miércoles, 30 de mayo de 2012

Have to wait 4 years to live it.

In groups of  6 we all have made a performance, showing you the sports we have selected, and people who is going to represent spain in the olympics.

Our group have voleyball, hockey, triathlon, pentathon and weightlifting.

Hockey (Male and Female National team).
It is a team sport in which a team attempts to score goals by hitting a ball using sticks. It comes from 200B.C in Ancient Greece where they played it with a horn.

Hockey was included as an Olympic sport at 1908 and in 1924 it was created the International Federation of Hockey. India and Pakistan won all the Olympic Games since 1928 to 1968.

There are two hockey disciplines: field hockey and Ice hockey, which is a Winter Olympic sport.

Weightlifting (
Lidia Valentin, Andres Mata)
Weightlifting generally refers to activities in which people lift weights, either for the purpose of competition, health, fitness or muscle development.

A version of this sport, Olympic weightlifting, is a regular part of the summer Olympic Games.

Weightlifting is probably one of the oldest sports. We can place its origins around 3600 BC in China.

It was part of the sports of the Athens' Olympic Games in 1896 and in Saint Louis in 1904, but disappeared in 1908. In 1920 weightlifting rejoined into the Olympics. The female category did not enter the Olympic program until the 2000 Sydney Olympics.

There are different competences.

It's to lift the barbell from the floor to above the head with a full extension of the arms in a squat, all in one movement.

Two times

This exercise is to raise the bar from floor to shoulders with a squat.

Modern pentathlon (
Jaime Lopez)
Is a sports contest that includes five events: pistol shooting, épée fencing, 200 m freestyle swimming, show jumping, and a 3 km cross-country run.

Except for the fencing competition, athletes do not directly compete against one another in the five events. Instead, a better absolute performance results in a higher points score; points for each event are combined to give the overall total scores. This is similar to the procedure for the decathlon in track and field athletics. However, an innovation was introduced to make the finale of the pentathlon more exciting. The last event is the cross-country run. Competitors are ranked according to their score from the first four disciplines and given different start times, with the leader going first, and other starts staggered by points differential such that the first person to cross the finish line will be the overall points leader and win the pentathlon.

The fencing discipline uses the épée. The competition is a round-robin, meaning each competitor will face all the other competitors once. Each match lasts up to one minute; the first fencer to score a hit wins instantly. If neither scores within one minute, both lose the match.

The swimming discipline is a 200 m freestyle race. Until the 2000 Olympics, the distance was 300 metres. Competitors are seeded in heats according to their fastest time over the distance.

The riding discipline involves show jumping over a 350–450 m course with 12 to 15 obstacles. Competitors are paired with horses in a draw 20 minutes before the start of the event.

The shooting discipline involves using a 4.5 mm air pistol in the standing position from 10 metres distance at a stationary target. Until the 2008 rules change, the format was that of the 10 meter air pistol competition: each competitor had 20 shots, with 40 seconds allowed for each shot.

Triathlon (
Ivan Raña, Ainhoa Murua, Ana Burgos, Javier Gomez Noya, Zuriñe Rodriguez)
Is an individual sport and the athletes must have a lot of endurance, this sport involves three different sports: swimming, cycling and athletics.

The athletes who compete in this spor must practice every day because is one of the hardest sport that have existed.

There are different distances for triathlon depending on the age of the participants.

The number of athletes dedicated to triathlon has grown because it becomes an Olympic sport at the 2000 Sydney Olympics.

Some people say that the triathlon started in Hawaii in 1978 on a bet between Marines, but others say that the origin of triathlon was in France in a race called “Les trois sports”.

It's a team sport in which two teams of six players are separated by a net. Each team tries to score points by grounding a ball on the other team's court under organized rules. It has been a part of the official program of the Summer Olympic Games since 1964.

There are a lot of rules, but the basic ones are:

-The ball can’t touch the floor.

-You can’t catch and then through the ball, you have to do it with it special passes: Overhand serve, jump serve, forearm pass, jump set, block, dig..

-You can’t hit the ball twice..

-The team can’t do four consecutive contacts with the ball.

-You can’t touch the net during the play.

-You can’t pass your foot to the other court.

It is played in a not very big court, with a net in the middle, with a ball in a team of six.

Beach Volleyball
Evolved from the recreational games of volleyball played on many beaches around the world. It became an official Olympic sport in 1996. This version, rather than being played on indoor hard courts, is played on sand courts which may either be formed naturally or built specifically for the purpose. Instead of a team of six, each team consists of only two players, but otherwise the rules are almost identical with some exceptions including.

Sailing (Paul Elvstrom, Shirley Robertson)
Sailing is the propulsion of a vehicle and the control of its movement with large (usually fabric) foils called sails.
The event was included in the 1896 Olympic Games but could not take place due to inclement weather. Sailing began its uninterrupted run from the London 1908 Olympic Games onwards. Sailing competitions at the Olympics are held in different classes or types of boats.

Some sailing's events.
470 Two Person Dinghy Men
Laser Radial One Person Ding Women
Laser One Person Dinghy Men
RS:X Windsurfer Women
RS:X Windsurfer Men
Yngling Keelboat Women
Star Keelboat Men
49er Skiff Mixed
470 Two Person Dinghy Women
Finn Heavyweight Dinghy Mixed
Tornado Multihull Mixed

We have made a remix song, one song for each sport.

We have prepared a video with some pictures of the sports and their names.

We also have prepared the materials we are going to need, and also the clothes we are going to wear.

On thursday, 31st of May we represented our performance in front of all the class.

We hope you enjoy it!

miércoles, 23 de mayo de 2012

Tennis; a great sport.

Tennis is played with special tennis rackets and balls on a rectangular court that is used in different ways if you play individually or in doubles.
Tennis comes from France, "tenez" a word that was shouted by the players to indicate "there goes the ball."

The most important competitions of the sport are the Grand Slam, which are: Australia Open, Roland Garros French, Wimbledon and U.S. Open. And the Tennis Masters Cup, played in Rome, Monte Carlo, Indian Wells, Miami, Canada, Madrid, Cincinnati, Shanghai and Paris.

It is a male and female sports for all ages, and my favorite player is Rafael Nadal, who was champion of the world, Olympic gold medal, Davis Cup's champion and he has won every Grand Slam.

domingo, 20 de mayo de 2012

Young spanish promise of tennis; Pedro Domínguez.

Pedro, who is a young promise of sixteen years old from Malaga, started playing tennis when he was 5, because his father used to play this sport and he decided to sign him to tennis lessons. He liked playing tennis, so he decided to continue playing it.

He has been with the spanish tennis selection to several countries like Portugal, France, Italy, Netherlands, Austria, Czech Republic, Germany and Belarus.

Pedro has won the cup of nations in the final against Serbia and he also has been the champion of Spain four times, two individual and two in doubles.

He says that it's very difficult and requires much sacrifice to study and compete at the same time, but if you like tennis as he do, things become easier. But fortunately teachers understand him and are quite good with him, and he has a twin sister in the same class that gives him the notes she takes.

Pedro's model to follow is Rafael Nadal, because since he was young he liked his tecniques and how he plays it sport.

This young promise tell us that when he is playing important maches, he tries to think only in the match and not in things that are happening outside the court.

I have saw him playing tennis once in a competition that took place in my tennis club, and I was surprised about who good he was. Appart from being good in sport, he is a very friendly boy.

me dijeron que tarde o temprano tenían que fallarme, pero el tiempo pasa, y ellas permanecen conmigo.

jueves, 10 de mayo de 2012

En el fondo me duele.

Lo niego, pero vamos a ver, es imposible que aquello a lo que tanto cariño le había cogido, aquello que estaba deseando ver cada minuto, aquello que era como todo, en unos instantes se convirtiese en un nada. Que ojala supiese lo que hizo que llegásemos a el punto de ser otra vez desconocidos, de haber tirado por la borda todas aquellas sonrisas, todos aquellos besos, y todos aquellos abrazos..
¿Por qué? ¿Por que me ha tenido que pasar a mí? Que te echo de menos, ¿vale? Y que no te lo demuestre como lo hacía antes, no significa que ya no te quiera, o que me hayas dejado de importar.
Y que a pesar de que tenga muchos momentos para recordar, no quiero que se desvanezcan, así que, por favor, vuelve a entrar en mi vida.

domingo, 6 de mayo de 2012

Y si, ¿Por qué no creer en el amor a primera vista?

Dicen que el amor a primera viste existe, pero como la mayoría de las cosas, si no lo ves, no lo crees.
Era 23 de marzo, cuando sin que se lo esperara, se volvió a enamorar.
Ella, era una rubia de ojos verdes española, y él, bueno, él era un atractivo italiano, moreno de ojos marrones. Fue como un flechazo, amor a primera vista, de estas veces que te embobas con la mirada de alguien nada más que lo conoces, y que un simple beso o abrazo, es lo suficiente para caer en su tentación.
Se querían, se escribían, intercambiaban palabras y frases bonitas, sonrisas.. Pero había un pequeño problema, miles y miles de kilómetros los separaban.
Y aunque la distancia no signifique nada cuando alguien lo significa todo, es díficil verlo simplemente a través de una fotografía, y ver en letras lo que en esos mismos momentos te podría estar diciendo al oído. Pero dicen que la esperanza es lo último que se pierde, ¿no?, y que quién te quiere, por muchas complicaciones que se le presenten, te busca.
Asique, alomejor, solo queda seguir viendo las mismas fotografías una y otra vez, escribir frases bonitas que te recuerden a él, y echarlo de menos, hasta que todos los recuerdos, se vuelvan a convertir en hechos, y hasta que ese él, italiano, y esa ella, española, se convierta en un ellos, y todos los kilómetros que los separaban, algún día se conviertan simplemente en centímetros.

jueves, 3 de mayo de 2012

Tanto fumar esperanzas, me entró cáncer de decepciones.

Que ya llega un punto en el que no puedes con nada más.
Quieres pasar de todo lo que no te importa, y claro, facilmente lo consigues. 
Pero el problema no es ese, el problema es que una no puede pasar asi porque sí de alguien que le importe de esa manera, porque es imposible, y a lo mejor, todo el coraje que tengo dentro es de que lo aprecie tanto, de que lo haya ayudado en todo lo que ha estado en mis manos, de que esté harta de hacerle que sonría por cada tontería que diga o haga, y que tu no se de cuenta, o simplemente no lo quiera valorar.

Que el tiempo pasa, pero mis sentimientos siguen siendo los mismos.

No aguanto mas ¿vale? ni un puto segundo mas.
Siento la necesidad de gritarle al mundo, a los siete vientos y a toda la galaxia que no, ¿de acuerdo? NO te he conseguido olvidar. 
Que pasan semanas, meses, incluso semetres ya desde que te conocí, y que no se lo que tienes que te hace tan especial, esa sonrisa y ese pelo perfecto, y no hablamos de tus ojos, porque dejamos los del resto del mundo por el suelo. 
Es increiblemente increible que hayas sido tan egoista de apropiarte de mi puto corazon, y que no, no hay manera de sacarte. Que aquel día de verano, aquel 4 de septiempre que fue el dia en el que te conocí, ya te metiste en mis sueños, ¿sabes? y algo me dijo que te iba a volver a ver, que iba a tener el privilegio de verte un par de veces más. 
Y mira, mira en lo que ahora te has convertido, que estas en mi mente todo el puto día, que haces que a mi costa te suban las visitas como la espuma, que me vea tus fotos infinitas veces, y me quede ahí, embobada viendo lo bien que te hicieron tus padres hijo mio. 
Consigues que me ponga celosa cuando veo cualquier comentario en tu tablón con una niña que no soy yo, que tenga miedo de perder algo que nisiquera nunca he tenido, que coja la agenda, y me imagine cuál va a ser el próximo día que te voy a ver. 
Que yo esto jamás lo había hecho por ninguno otro, que te enteres, y que, sinceramente, aunque haya miles mal que sientan algo por tí, decirte que se quedan en el subsuelo si las comparan conmigo, porque cariño, efectivamente, 
en esto de quererte, gano yo.